Michael Wersin, born 1966 in Bielefeld, studied singing, choral conducting, ear training and musicology. He is artistic director of the music festival "Alte Musik St.Gallen" (AMSG), runs a "practice and coordination centre for Gregorian chant" in the monastery district of St. Gallen, is responsible for a baroque concert series at St. Gallen Cathedral and teaches at the "Diözesanen Kirchenmusikschule" in St. Gallen and at the "Stella Privathochschule für Musik" (formerly Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium) in Feldkirch. As a continuo organist and conductor he is active in many ways in concerts and church services. He has published a number of books with the Reclam publishing house in Stuttgart. He received his doctorate from the University of Augsburg with a thesis on "Theological Bach Research".